Class Waitlists
General Class Information
We have a variety of weekly classes at 4, 5 and 6:15 PM on Monday - Thursday. (No weekly class on Fridays) Classes are 50 minutes and are for kids age 6-18, 45 munities for Tots classes age 3-6. Classes are continual with recurring lessons so that new students can start at any time. Once a student obtains all the skills and develops the fundamentals for their level they can level up.
Aerial Classes
We start all of our aspiring aerialists in Silks 1 classes. Students can choose to do Arial Hoop 1 (Lyra) in addition to their Silks class.
Acrobat Classes
All of our aspiring acrobats will start in Acrobat 1 and work skills in: parkour, tumbling and trampoline.​​
Once a student reaches level 3 classes they can audition for Performing Troupe or Competition Team.
-Our tuition is $85/month to attend 1 class per week.
-We offer a 20% discount off additional classes.
-There is a $45 annual registration fee per family due every fall. (Discounted to $25/family when started mid school year).
We host a variety of classes between the Bluffdale and Pleasant Grove locations.
Bluffdale Location - 763 Honda Park Dr, Bluffdale, UT 84065
Pleasant Grove Location - 2415 W 700 S, Ste F, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062
Get on a Waitlists
Signing Up On a Waitlist using the Parent Portal
This is the best way to get onto multiple waitlists. The more waitlist your child is on the better chance they have of getting into a class.
On the Parent Portal select the page "Find Classes".
Select the slider under "Wait Lists" labeled "Show me full classes with... Waitlists".
Add a filter result, under "Category 1", select "Waitlist", and click to add filter.
All the waitlist classes should appear. Select each class to add to your cart.​​​​​​

​​​Signing Up On a Waitlist Below
This is good if you only need to waitlist for 1 class time. Once you select a class time, click the "Already a customer? Click here to login." the class should be selected to be added to your cart.
Select a class time below to get your child on a waitlist for that hour. Waitlists are for age 8-18 unless specified. By signing up for these waitlists you are not getting enrolled in the class.
*Openings are offered on a first come first serve basis to waitlisted students. What is listed today might not be available tomorrow, etc.
​Confirmation and Enrolment
We will let you know of availability through email and to confirm if you want to be enrolled into class. Opening are made available for students on our waitlists on a first come first serve basis. We may send availability to multiple potential students. Openings may fill as you get back to us. Once enrolled we will remove your child from all other waitlists and send you a welcome email. This will have additional information outlined in our Parent Handbook. Ex. Schedule, Dress code, Billing Policies, Drop Policies.​
You are welcome to continue to sign up for private lessons to learn while waiting for an opening in a class.​​
Pleasant Grove Location Waitlists
Silks Classes
Silks 1 is currently offered at the following times at this location:
Monday 4pm
Monday 5pm
Tuesday 4pm
Wednesday 4pm
Wednesday 5pm
Thursday 4pm
We have waitlists for future classes that will get added to our schedule:
Tuesday 5pm​
Email us for class availability or to get placed on a waitlist for a future class.
Tumbling Waitlists
Looking to get into Tumbling. Let us know via email that your interested in these classes at Pleasant Grove and we will send you more information.